Tuesday, April 04, 2006

EICUIB1000 Class Blog: Tuesday News

A busy day today! Tina commented on one of my posts and I added a comment, personally, as it were - comments are ideal for short responses; I also published a post - EICUIB1000 Class Blog: Introductions, homework, age and games... - in an attempt to open the topic up to the class. One item Tina mentioned was games - she wanted more games, so I asked on the blog if others also wanted games and had a reply by way of comment from Tina and (later) Teresa. It's interesting when you receive feedback in this fashion, even if there lurks behind it a criticism!

There was also a post from Teresa, nicely communicative -
EICUIB1000 Class Blog: introduction

Today in class I suggested that part of the homework could be blogged and Tina has already posted her letter -
EICUIB1000 Class Blog: Homework for P.17
The question now is how to respond - the content or the grammar or both. Ideally I would have the students write and read themselves before I make any comment on form, but, of course, there aren't that many participants yet. On that subject, many students apparently did try to blog but ran into technical difficulties. It seems some are confused by the public and private views of the blog and try to create posts straight from the public view. I intend to take the laptop along next lesson and try to help. That some people are having problems suggests that there should in general be more input at the beginning of the course on how to blog.

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