Saturday, May 06, 2006


Before the week-long holiday I set a little blog assignment. In class we had been looking at giving people advice and the homework was to post a problem, fictional or otherwise, and then to respond to other people's problems either by way of a comment or a new post... I thought it was a nice idea, but after a week I find there have been only 2 posts! Also, I hoped that the bloggers would post about their holidays, but so far I am the only holiday blogger. Shame. I wonder if the interest flags without the class-time encouragement...
Anyway, only 3 weeks left with these classes. I shall devise a questionnaire about blogging and hopefully have a new class (I think one will be enough this time) with which to put the blogging project back into motion, this time with a little more confidence.

I 've started, in earnest, the IELTS blog. So far, just a number of found sites.

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